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We are pleased to share that a tentative agreement has been reached with both CUPE and MGEU. This means that the anticipated work stoppage scheduled to begin earlier today will not occur at this time.

Work to resume normal operations and reschedule affected appointments will occur over the coming days. For most patients, residents and clients, health-care services will continue as planned today.

Some disruption can still be expected for patients and clients whose appointments and surgeries may have been postponed in anticipation of a work stoppage.

If you have been affected by a change in service or some other disruption to your scheduled health services, you can expect to be contacted directly with an update or a rescheduled appointment.

We are working with our teams to support a smooth return to normal operations and appreciate your ongoing understanding as our dedicated staff do their best to support the care of all patients, residents and clients. 

We recognize the planning work for a potential work stoppage has been disruptive. We thank you for your understanding.

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