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French Language Services

Interlake-Eastern RHA is designated as a bilingual regional health authority by the Province of Manitoba. Francophones account for 6.9 per cent of the region’s overall population.

The largest concentrations of Francophone populations identified in our region are:

  • The Rural Municipality of St. Laurent, and Marquette (RM of Woodlands).
  • The Town of Powerview-Pine-Falls.
  • The Rural of Municipality of Alexander including St-Georges.
  • The Rural Municipality of Victoria Beach.
  • Grand Marais and Grand Beach (RM of St. Clements).

Designated Bilingual Areas in Region (map)

French Language Services and You!

Have you received services in at the Pine Falls Health Complex or the St. Laurent Community Health Centre? Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority would like to hear about your experience. Over the past several years we have been taking measures to improve our active offer of French language services. Our French Language Services Questionnaire offers the opportunity to not only give us feedback but increase awareness of the existing French Language resources! Your responses will assist us in developing and improving our French Language Services.

Our Team

Two French Language Service coordinators work in the region out of offices based in St. Laurent and Pine Falls. These French Language Service coordinators are linked to the region’s primary health care and public health programs. They participate in delivering services in French, connect Francophone clients to appropriate health services, promote active offer by our health care providers, promote staff language training, identify documents and resources for translation and represent the region on provincial French Language Service committees.

The Centre de Sante Communautaire de St. Laurent is a designated bilingual health facility and offers public health, mental health, home care, community wellness and nurse practitioner services. The Neil Gaudy five bed supportive housing is also located in the centre.

The Pine Falls Health Complex is a bilingual facility and offers acute care, primary care, and long-term care services. Home care, mental health, public health and community wellness services are available in the community.

A regional French Language Service committee includes a member of executive management and the two French Language Service coordinators. The Interlake-Eastern RHA connects with the Francophone community in a variety of ways in order to gain awareness of the issues affecting their overall health and wellness and to seek input on how to best address their needs.

To contact a French Language Services Coordinator: 

Michelle Berthelette
Pine Falls
[email protected]

Lori Carrière
Saint Laurent
204-646-2504 ext 3
[email protected]

French Language Services Plan:

More information on French Language Services in Manitoba.

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French Services