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An unplanned staff vacancy in the diagnostics department has resulted in the temporary suspension of diagnostic services in Eriksdale’s E.M. Crowe Memorial Hospital until Sept. 26.

A physician is available in Interlake-Eastern RHA to take call in Eriksdale’s emergency department but without access to diagnostic services, emergency department services cannot be provided during this period.

Ambulances will be redirected to the nearest or most appropriate emergency department. To view emergency department schedules, please visit:

Inpatient admission to the hospital and delivery of primary care services in Eriksdale are unaffected. People are being directed to Ashern or Arborg for diagnostic care during this period of temporary service suspension.

The RHA is working closely with Shared Health Diagnostics to address the staffing shortage that is affecting service delivery so emergency department services can be resumed in Eriksdale. Discussions with the local municipality and First Nation health directors regarding access to health care services are ongoing.

Shared Health Diagnostics has invested in establishing training opportunities in northern and rural Manitoba to encourage employment of local residents. Anyone interested in learning more about medical laboratory assistant training opportunities with Herzing College or Robertson School of Health can contact [email protected] or visit

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