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Breastfeeding and Chestfeeding

Exclusive breastfeeding or chestfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months of life. Breastmilk is a natural, beneficial, and cost-effective way to nourish your baby. It provides optimal nutritional and emotional benefits for growth and development, and contains antibodies to boost your child’s immune system. Additionally, breastfeeding or chestfeeding has added health benefits for new parents including fostering in a unique child bond and quicker postpartum recovery. The links below are all great resources on how to plan ahead and prepare for breastfeeding or chestfeeding your baby.

Baby Friendly Manitoba (Information for Parents)

About breastfeeding and chestfeeding

Breastfeeding Your Baby Videos

Maximizing Milk Production with Hands-on Pumping

Providing Breastmilk by Bottle

Breast Milk Storage

KellyMom: Evidence based information on breastfeeding and parenting.

Community Breastfeeding Supports

Breastfeeding Hotline 204-788-8667     1-888-315-9257  •   Hours: 24/7/365

Breastfeeding Hotline is a free, bilingual telephone service for all Manitobans. A registered nurse will assess, support and guide you with breastfeeding questions. Whether you are starting to breastfeed, or you have been breastfeeding for a long time, we are here to help you and babe on your breastfeeding journey.

Growing Years

Free drop-in program offered in Selkirk on Wednesday, Thursday & Fridays 9:00 am-12:00pm and 1:00-4:00 pm. There is no registration for open group weekly programs. They offer peer support & listening, pregnancy & parenting guidance, child development information, maternal well-being support, help finding community resources & services, gently used children’s clothing giveaway, bathroom and change table use and is a breastfeeding friendly space. Follow or send a direct message on Facebook Growing Years Family Resource Centre or Connect by Phone 204-785-8218

Milk Mentor’s MB

Free Program to support you as you feed your baby(ies) whether breastfeeding, chestfeeding, pumping or bottle. Feeding you baby isn’t always easy but talking to someone who has had similar experience can help. To connect with a community peer mentor for 1:1 Talk, Text or Video Chat send a direct message on Facebook or by email [email protected]

Winnipeg Breastfeeding Centre Supporting Manitoba families with infant feeding on their own terms. A consultant physician clinic in Winnipeg dedicated to provide evidenced based diagnostic support to families who need help with lactation and infant feeding. Referral required.

Healthy Parenting Winnipeg : Topics related to breastfeeding and chestfeeding

La Leche League: Breastfeeding Support and Information meeting groups provided In person, by phone or online. Contact by Phone 204-272-0238

International Breastfeeding Centre: Reliable and well-researched breastfeeding information. Dr. Jack Newman is the founder and first pediatrician of the International Breastfeeding Centre. He has been helping breastfeeding mothers and babies for over 38 years. 

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