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FASD or Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder or FASD ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​is a medical diagnostic term that describes the range of effects that can occur in an individual who was exposed to alcohol prenatally (Canadian Diagnostic Guidelines 2015). FASD is often referred to as a hidden or invisible disability because most people affected have no noticeable physical features. FASD can impair a person’s learning, physical, cognitive, behaviour and development. The effects of FASD are lifelong. Health Canada estimates that nine in every 1,000 children born in Canada have FASD.​​ Below is information about FASD diagnostic services and supports available for caregivers with children/youth who have been exposed to alcohol prenatally.

FASD Diagnostic Coordinators

FASD Diagnostic Coordinators
The FASD Diagnostic Coordinators work in partnership with the Manitoba FASD Centre. They screen referrals of children and youth living in the region to ensure diagnostic criteria is met. Providing support and information to families on the journey through assessment, FASD diagnostic coordinators provide follow-up and education post assessment. They also locally host an eight-week informational series on FASD called Building Circles of Support. In addition, they provide education and information for the greater community on FASD through public presentations.

Should you want to discuss a potential referral for a child or youth up to age 18 for an FASD assessment or to obtain information, contact the appropriate Interlake-Eastern RHA’s FASD diagnostic coordinator, according to where you live:
​​ ​

Tammy FriesenJennifer Norenberg
FASD Diagnostic CoordinatorFASD Diagnostic Coordinator
Selkirk Community Health OfficeBeausejour Primary Health Care Centre
237 Manitoba Ave.151 First St. S. , Box 550
Selkirk, MB  R1A 0Y4Beausejour, MB  R0E 0C0
1-204-785-7547 1-204-268-7434
1-204-785-7698 1-204-268-4194
Referral process in Manitoba

The Manitoba FASD Centre will accept referrals for children up to the age of 18. A referral form must be completed and sent to one of the FASD Diagnostic Coordinators in your area. The referral criteria for assessment is based upon the 2015 Canadian Diagnostic Guidelines and includes:

  • Confirmed and reliable prenatal alcohol exposure information;
  • Consent from the child’s or adolescent’s legal guardian;
  • Identified developmental and learning concerns.

Should you have any questions regarding the criteria or the referral and assessment process, please contact one of the FASD Diagnostic Coordinators in your area.

Manitoba FASD Network Referral Form

Building Circles of Support

Building Circles of Support
Building Circles of Support is a free eight-week informational series offered through MBTelehealth locations within the region.  ​​​​​​​
Building Circles of Support is for caregivers of children and youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Please contact an FASD Diagnostic Coordinator directly for more information and to register. 

The Manitoba Key Worker Program

Manitoba Key Worker Program Brochure

Referrals for access to the MB Key Worker program in Selkirk and area can be made by contacting the MB key workers directly: 

Brett SuskiVacant Position
Selkirk Community Health OfficeSelkirk Community Health Office
237 Manitoba Avenue237 Manitoba Avenue
Selkirk, MB  R1A 0Y4Selkirk, MB  R1A 0Y4
204-785-7548 Phone 204-904-7333
(204) 785-7698Fax 204-785-7698

Referral Forms for MB Key Worker Program 
​​​​​​​​ MB Key Worker Intake Form

Electronic Communication of Personal and Personal Health Information

Service Coordination Agreement for Release of Personal Health Information

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