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Canadian Virtual Hospice

Palliative Care and COVID-19 Links:

Canadian Virtual Hospice- Palliative Care and COVID-19 Resources

Grieving During COVID-19

Physical Distancing and Dying: When you can’t be at the bedside

Family Caregivers

Family Caregiving for People at the End of Life – A useful resource for caregivers coping with the stress associated with caring for a loved one.

Grief Support Links:

Dementia & Staff Grief

Grief Support

Living My Culture: Helping to honour your cultre, spirituality & traditions. People from various cultures share their stories & wisdom about living with serious illness, end of life and grief to support others.

Children’s Grief

Virtual Hospice Kids Grief Resources

Financial Support Information Links:

Compassionate Care Benefits are Employment Insurance benefits paid to people who have to be away from work temporarily to provide care or support to a family member who is gravely ill and who has a significant risk of death within 26 weeks (6 months). A maximum of 26 weeks of compassionate care benefits may be paid to eligible people. Visit Employment Insurance Compassionate Care Benefits

Canada Pension Plan (CPP) provides disability benefits to people who have made enough contributions to the CPP and who are disabled and cannot work at any job on a regular basis. Benefits may also be available to the dependent children. Visit CPP disability benefits.

Survivor Benefits under the Canada Pension Plan may be available to the estate and to survivors of the deceased. There are 3 kinds of survivor benefits: surviving spouse’s pension, orphan’s benefits, and death benefits. Application for these benefits should be made as soon as possible. If not made within a year of death, there may be a loss of benefits. For more information, contact Canada Pension Plan toll-free at 1-800-277-9914 or the Canadian Pension Plan website.

Financial Assistance Programs offered by the Government of Canada – The Government of Canada offers and administers several funding programs available to Canadians caring for critically-ill family member or require additional assistance following the death of a loved one. For information or an application package, visit the Employment and Social Development Canada webpage.

Additional Information Regarding Palliative/ End-of-Life Care Resources/Options – Government of Canada site

Advanced Care Planning Links:

Manitoba Health Care Directive Information and Manitoba Health Care Directive Form

Mental Health Support Links:

Mental Health Resource Guide for Winnipeg – This online guide includes some self-assessment resources for depression and anxiety, and offers a comprehensive menu of support and treatment options in Winnipeg including self-help options through to crisis services. Education and support groups for families are also included. The province-wide telephone bereavement support line is included.

Palliative Manitoba – Palliative Manitoba is another resource for individuals, families and caregivers, who provide programs, services, education and information.

The Canadian Mental Health Association – This website has information and resources about stress and mental challenges – both general information and specific information related to grief.

The Canadian Association of Psychology – An online fact sheet is available with information on psychological distress and coping with advanced illnesses/ end of life, and discusses psychological treatment and support.

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