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Adult Mental Health Services

Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority’s Adult Community Mental Health Program is a multi-disciplinary program for adults who reside within the region that aims to provide comprehensive and strengths-based mental health assessments, recommendations, and treatment options, as well as consultation for those adults who may be presenting with symptoms suggestive of mental health problem/illness and/or co-occurring disorders.

The Adult Community Mental Health Program offers:

  • Recovery-oriented, short term, individualized therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with Mindfulness classes
  • Managing Difficult Emotions classes 
  • Referrals and/or consultation with internal and external resources
  • Case Management: may include advocacy, connecting to community resources and services, goal setting, and recovery planning
  • Intensive Case Management: provides services for persons (age 18 years and older) with longer term mental health illness. This component involves the systemic provision of education and supportive interventions to increase a person’s skills and confidence in managing their health and social difficulties, including regular assessment of progress, goal setting and problem solving support.
  • Services are time limited with a focus on the process of personal recovery

To inquire about these services, please call Central Intake at:  1-866-757-6205 toll free or 204-785-7752 (Selkirk and area)

Note, that you can refer yourself to our programs through Central Intake.

Mental Health Support Centres

The Selkirk & Interlake Mental Health Support Centre provides community based services for adult individuals with lived experience, and individuals who may be seeking mental health support that is rooted in the foundation of Recovery.

It is a drop-in centre that provides: a lunch program, coffee house, support and referrals, work program, book store, and a relaxing atmosphere with a garden area.

To learn more about this support centre, visit their new webpage or call 204-482-3536.

To see what the other support centres in the Interlake-Eastern RHA offer, please see the phone numbers below. 

 Location Phone NumberAddress
 Arborg (204) 376-5066 327 Main Street
 Ashern (204) 768-2915 1 Main Street
 Lac du Bonnet (204) 345-5570 82 2nd Street
 Lundar (204) 762-5769 50 Main Street
 Selkirk (204) 482-3536 242 Manitoba Avenue

Resources and Apps

Resources such as smartphone applications, websites, and print resources are effective ways for individuals to take charge of their own recovery and manage their mental health. These resources do not replace treatment recommendations by a primary health care provider, but are a way to help learn about mental health and manage it in a healthy and effective way.

COVID Coach the COVID Coach App was created to support self-care and overall mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Includes education, tools for self-care, mood and goal trackers as well as graphs to visualize your progress over time.

Healthy Minds is a problem-solving tool to help deal with emotions and cope with the stresses you encounter both on and off campus. The goal: Keeping your mind healthy.

The Life Line Canada offers access and guidance and support for those suffering in crisis and those who have suffered the devastating loss of a loved one from suicide.

Mindfulness Coach was developed to help Veterans, Service members, and others learn how to practice mindfulness.

MindShift will help you learn how to relax, develop more helpful ways of thinking and identifying active steps that will help you take charge of your anxiety.

Pacifica gives you holistic tools to address stress, anxiety, and depression based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, mindfulness, relaxation and health.

Hope by CAMH provides suicide prevention information, tools and crisis resources to support and guide individuals when they are experiencing thoughts of suicide.

Calm Harm provides tasks to help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm. You will be ale to track your progress and notice change.

Print Resources

Book titles highlighted in green were donated by the Interlake-Eastern Suicide Prevention Committee to all 17 libraries within our Regional Health Authority.


The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook (3rd Edition) (2001) By Edmund Bourne, Ph.D.

The Anxiety and Worry Workbook: The Cognitive Behavioral Solution  (2011) By David A. Clark, Ph.D and Aaron T. Beck, MD.

10 Simple Solutions to Worry: How to Calm Your Mind, Relax Your Body & Reclaim Your Life (2006) By Kevin Gyoerkoe, PSY.D and Pamela Wiebarta, Ph.D.

10 Simple Solutions to Shyness: How to Overcome Shyness, Social Anxiety & Fear of Public Speaking (2004) By Martin M. Antony, Ph.D.

Bipolar Disorder:

The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide: What You and Your Family Need to Know (2002) By Dr. David J. Miklowitz, Ph.D.

Borderline Personality Disorder:

The Borderline Personality Disorder Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know About Living With BPD (2007) By Alexander L. Chapman, Ph.D., and Kim L. Gratz, Ph.D.


The Feeling Good Handbook (1999) By David D. Burns, MD

The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living (2008) By Dr. R. Harris

Managing Your Depression: What you Can Do To Feel Better (2013) By Susan J Noonan, M.D., M.P.H.

The Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself From Chronic Unhappiness (2007) By Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal, and Jon Kabat-Zinn

Rethinking Depression: How to Shed Mental Health Labels and Create Personal Meaning (2012) By Eric Maisel, Ph.D.

Living with a Black Dog, his name is DEPRESSION (2006) By Matthew Johnstone

Mind over Mood: 2nd Edition (2005) By Dennis Greenberger and Christine A. Padesky 


Understanding Your Grief: Ten Essential Touchstones for Finding Hope and Healing Your Heart (2004) By Dr. Alan Wolfelt, Ph.D.

When Your Soulmate Dies: A Guide to Healing Through Heroic Mourning (2016) By Dr. Alan Wolfelt, Ph.D.


A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook (2010) By Bob Stahl and Elisha Goldstein

Fully Present: The Science, Art, and Practice of Mindfulness (2010) By Susan L. Smalley, Ph.D. and Diana Winston

The Mindfulness Revolution: Leading Psychologists, Scientists, Artists, and Meditatiion Teachers on the Power of Mindfulness in Daily Life (2011) Edited By Barry Boyce

Wherever You Go There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life (2005) By Jon Kabat-Zinn

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:

Stop Obsessing: How to Overcome Your Obsessions and Compulsions (2001) By Edna B. Foa, Ph.D. & Reid Wilson, Ph.D.

Panic Disorder:

10 Simple Solutions to Panic: How to Overcome Panic Attacks, Calm Physical Symptoms & Reclaim Your Life (2004) By Martin Antony, Ph.D. and Randi McCabe, Ph.D.


Hold on to Your Kids (2013) By Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate, MD

Postpartum Depression/Anxiety:​​

This Isn’t What I Expected: Overcoming Postpartum Depression (2013) By Karen R. Kleiman, MSW, LCSW & Valerie Davis Raskin, MD.

The Pregnancy and Postpartum Anxiety Workbook: Practical Skills to Help You Overcome Anxiety, Worry, Panic Attacks, Obsessions, and Compulsions (2009) By Pamela S. Wiegartz, Ph.D. & Kevin Gyoerkoe, Psy.D

The Pregnancy & Postpartum Anxiety Workbook (2009) By Pamela S. Wiegartz and Kevin Gyoerkoe

Schizophrenia/ Psychosis:

After her Brain Broke (2010) By Susan Inman

The Quiet Room (1996) By Lori Schiller & Amanda Bennett


Adult Power Page 

PDF English

The Gifts of Imperfection (2010) By Brene Brown

Medications and You (PDF Document) By the Mood Disorders Society of Canada

Video Resources

All videos are hosted on third party sites

Anger Management:

How to deal with ANGER! by Brendon Burchard (16min 17s)

Anger Management by PragerU (5min 6s)


Mindfulness Meditation to help relieve anxiety & stress by Wise Mind Body (9min 22s)

5 minute Quick Anxiety Reduction – Guided Mindfulness Meditation (5min 28s)

Getting stuck in the negatives (and how to get un-stuck) by Alison Ledgerwood on TEDTalks (9min 59s)

How to cope with anxiety by Olivia Remes on TEDX (15min 15s)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy:

How to complete a CBT thought record by Nicole McCance (10min 25s)

What is CBT?  By Therapist Aid (4min 35s)


Don’t Suffer from your depression in silence by Nikki Webber Allen on TEDTalks (6min 34s)

How to get stuff done when you are depressed by Jessica Gimeno  (15min 20s)

Yoga for Depression by Yoga with Adriene (15min 44s)

I had a black dog, his name was Depression by the World Health Organization (4min 18s)


The Power of Mindfulness: What you Practice Grows Stronger by Shauna Shapiro on TEDX (13min 45s)

5 Minute Self Love Meditation by Michelle Chalfant (6min 6s)


Antidepressant Skills Workbook: Simon Fraser University

Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba (ADAM)

Anxiety Canada

Body Peace Canada

Canadian Centre on Substance Use & Addiction

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)

Canadian Psychological Association

Caring Together

Center for Mindful Self-Compassion

Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)

Children of Parents with a Mental Illness

Cognitive Behavioral Interpersonal Skills Manual

Cognitive Behaviroual Therapy with Mindfulness (CBTm)

DBT Self-Help 

Empowering Families Affected by Psychosis

FACE COVID: How to Respond Effectively to the Corona Crisis

Family Guide to Mental Health Recovery

Heads Up Guys 

Informed Choices About Depression

Manitoba Harm Reduction

Interlake-Easten RHA: Healthy Living – Health Promotion

Manitoba Harm Reduction

Manitoba Farm & Rural Support Services

Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC)

Mental Health Education Resource Centre of Manitoba

Mind Your Mind 

Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba

Nobody’s Perfect – Parent Resource

Pandemic and Anxiety

Peer Connections Manitoba 

Postpartum Depression Association of Manitoba 

Power over Pain Portal


PTSD Association of Canada

Rainbow Resource Centre 

RAAM Clinic

Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention

Taking Charge of your Health & Wellbeing

The Self-Care Project

Turning Pages Program

Weeding Out The Facts

Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)

Women’s Health Clinic

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with Mindfulness (CBTm)?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with Mindfulness (CBTm) is a structured, short-term, present-oriented therapy that focuses on developing flexible, realistic thinking patterns and functional behaviours to improve emotional functioning. CBTm is the recommended first-line treatment for many common mental health conditions including mood and anxiety disorders. It was developed based on the observation that our emotions tend to be closely connected to our beliefs about ourselves, others, and the future, as well as how we interact with the world. CBTm uses a variety of techniques that are tailored to the individual’s own pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Click CBTm Classes Infographic below for more information:

CBTm Information.

Is medication the only way that mood problems can be treated?

Antidepressant medication can be very helpful to some individuals, lifting their mood and reducing other symptoms such as loss of appetite or having difficulty concentrating. However, medication is rarely a complete treatment for mood problems. It is important that the individual also makes changes to the way they think about, and handle their life. Medication is not to be used to continue living an unhealthy or unfulfilling lifestyle. Rather, medication can give the individual energy and lift their mood in order for them to make positive changes in their life such as regular exercise and working toward life goals.

Is there a fee to be involved with the Community Mental Health program?

No, there is no fee to be connected with the Community Mental Health Program.

How do I get referred to the Community Mental Health Program?

The best way to become connected with the Community Mental Health program is to contact Central Intake at tel:1-866-757-6205 or 204-785-7752

What kind of questions will Central Intake ask when I call?

It is important to know that you are always welcome to call Central Intake, even if you are only looking for information or if you are not sure if you or your loved one would benefit from Community Mental Health services.

When you call, you will schedule an over-the-phone assessment with one of the Central Intake staff.  You do not have to prepare anything in advance; Central Intake will ask you about your daily life and your experiences so they can match you with the services that best meet your needs.  Central Intake may ask about your mood, sleep, appetite, energy level, prescribed medications, safety questions (e.g. if you have thoughts about suicide or if you have had any recent losses), and what your goals are for accessing mental health services.

At the end of the conversation, Central Intake will provide you with recommendations on what services would be best to help you and some suggestions of what you can do at home to help you feel better.  If you have any further questions, please call, Central Intake toll free at tel:1-866-757-6205 or 204-785-7752

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