Addictions Services
Rapid Access to Addictions Medicine (RAAM) Clinic
What is a RAAM Clinic and who is it for?
(Click to print or view brochure): RAAM Brochure
RAAM clinics are walk-in clinics for adults (ages 18+) looking to get help with high-risk substance use and addiction. No referral is needed.
This includes people who want to try medical assistance to reduce or stop their substance use. They may experience frequent intoxication or overdose symptoms, as well as unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when attempting to reduce or stop their substance use. RAAM clinics are also for people who may have substance-related health issues, such as hepatitis, pancreatitis and infections.
RAAM clinics are not for people needing urgent medical attention for serious physical problems or mental health symptoms such as psychosis (paranoia, delusions, hallucinations), agitation; who are at active risk of harm to self or others, or who require police/security involvement.
It can be very difficult to accept that your substance use is problematic, and it’s normal to feel ashamed, frightened, or angry. But the good news is that medical treatment for problematic substance use and addiction is safe and effective. People can and do recover from addiction.
You don’t need an appointment, just show up during clinic hours. If you have a Manitoba Health card or Manitoba Health number, please bring this along.
What happens when I go to a RAAM clinic?
If you’re feeling anxious or hesitant about going to the RAAM clinic, consider bringing a supportive person with you. This may make you feel less overwhelmed and less alone.
The clinic team will complete a health history including questions about your substance use such as:
- when and how you started using
- how much and how frequently you use
- how it may impact your life and responsibilities
The clinic team is there to help you. These questions are to get a complete picture of you in order to determine how to best help you.
Substance use conditions are treatable.
Once the health history is complete, the RAAM clinic team will make treatment recommendations. There are four options:
1. Education The RAAM clinic team will provide you with information on how to make choices that will lower the risks of substance use, such as tips on how to pace your use as well as situations to avoid.
2. Counselling The RAAM clinic team provides brief counseling or may refer you to counselling programs as part of your treatment. Counselling programs can include education on substances and healthy lifestyle choices, group and individual counselling sessions, help with developing coping skills, and connections to support groups. The team will work with you to determine what form of counselling would be most helpful for you.
3. Medications Addiction to some substances, such as alcohol or opioids, can be treated with a medication that will help to lessen cravings, as well as decrease the withdrawal symptoms that may accompany your early days of sobriety. Medication may make other types of treatment more effective and reduce the risk of relapse. These medications are safe and effective when prescribed by a RAAM physician. The team will discuss appropriate options with you.
4. Other Supports There may be the need for more intensive services such as withdrawal management services (i.e. “detox”) or residential addiction treatment. The RAAM clinic team can arrange referrals to these services, among other specialized services.
Where can I find a RAAM Clinic?
The posted clinic hours are for new walk-in patients seeking RAAM clinic services. In addition, the RAAM clinical team – physician, counsellor, nurse – provides follow-up to patients, coordinating medication management, making referrals to other services, supporting and consulting with other providers, and informing other service providers about RAAM clinic services.
Selkirk Community Health Office
237 Manitoba Avenue, Selkirk
Regular Hours: Tuesdays, 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm – Registration opens at noon
204-785-7513Call Mon to Fri 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
204-785-7698 BRANDON
7th Street Health Access Centre
20 – 7th St.
Regular Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 11 am to 1 pm
Registration opens at 10:45 am
(Call Monday – Friday 10:00am-6:00pm)
Crisis Response Centre
817 Bannatyne Ave.
Regular Hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 1 to 3 pm
Registration opens at noon.
Phone: 204-792-7159
Virtual Clinic: Video appointments are available Thursday afternoons for those with mobility, transportation or other challenges. This service requires an email address and reliable internet.
Call 204-792-7159 for more information and to book an appointment.
River Point Centre
146 Magnus Ave.
Regular Hours: Mondays from 1 to 3 pm and Thursdays from 9:30 to 11:30 am
Registration opens Mon. at 12:30 pm/Thurs. at 9:00 am
204-390-8078 or 1-855-662-6605
(Call Monday – Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm)
Eaglewood Treatment Centre
90 Princeton Drive
Regular Hours: Tuesdays from 9:30 am to 12 pm, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 1 to 4 pm
Registration opens Tues. at 9:00 am/Wed. at 12:30 pm/Thurs. at 12:30 pm
1-866-291-7774 or 204-677-7300 or 204-677-7240
(Call Monday – Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm)
159 – 5th Street S.E.
Regular Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 to 3 pm
Registration opens Tues. and Thurs. at 12:30 pm (Walk-in Clinic)
(Call Monday – Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm or call anytime and leave a message)
2025 holidays where RAAM clinics will be closed:
- January 1
- February 17
- April 18
- April 21
- May 19
- July 1
- August 4
- September 1
- September 30
- October 13
- November 11
- December 25
- December 26
To learn when other RAAM clinics open or for more information, call the Manitoba Addictions Helpline at 1-855-662-6605 or go to
For youth under 18 years old, please contact the Youth Addiction Centralized Intake service. Call 1-877-710-3999 (8:30 am – 4:30 pm, weekdays) or visit
Community Addictions Program – Adult
Provides therapeutic, supportive, and educational services for individuals or people supporting those living with substance use or gambling concerns.
Adult services are provided to adults 18 years and older who are seeking assistance either due to their own or another’s involvement with alcohol, drugs, and/or gambling. We offer in-house and community-based services in communities across Manitoba.
Adult community addictions treatment services provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals making healthy lifestyle changes. We appreciate that these changes usually involve taking risks and often require time for people to develop new life skills. If substance use or gambling issues are causing you or your family concern, we can help.
Selkirk: 204-785-2354
Beausejour: 204-268-6166
Gimli: 204-642-5162
Community Addictions Program – Youth
Maybe you just have some questions and are looking for a safe, non-judgmental place to get answers. Whatever your situation is, community addictions youth services are here for you. We offer a range of supportive services for young people 12 – 18 years of age.
In our programs, you can expect:
- Safety: This means you can be yourself, without the fear of being judged, criticized or lectured.
- Confidentiality: This means that your counsellor will not share information about you without your permission. One of our goals is to prevent harm to anyone. If we believe that someone is in danger, we may have to share information with another service in order to keep them safe.
- Respect: This means that we will listen and talk with you, not at you. You have the right to think what you think, feel what you feel and believe what you believe.
- Openness: Your counsellor will not keep information about you from you. You will be involved in all decisions affecting you.
Gimli: 204-642-5162
*Sunrise School Division: 204-268-6782
*Interlake School Division: 204-467-5539 (Sep-Jun)
*Lord Selkirk School Division (Middle Years): 204-785-2354
*Lord Selkirk School Division (High School): 204-482-6926 (Sep to Jun) and 204-785-2354 (Jul to Aug)
*Shared Health Staff
Impaired Driver Program
If you are not sure whether you need to access the Impaired Driver Program, please contact MPI at 204-985-7694.
Impaired Driver Program – Main Office
WRHA Mental Health & Addictions
146 Magnus Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 2B4
Phone: 204-944-6290
Fax: 204-774-8091
Other Impaired Driver Assessment Offices:
- Beausejour: 204-268-6166
- Gimli: 204-642-5162
- Selkirk: 204-785-2354
Courses and Workshops
Family Dynamics: Substance Use and Gambling
Families Dynamics: Substance Use and Gambling provides participants with an overview and knowledge base of the addictive process in family systems, characteristics of an addictive process and the effects of addiction and recovery needs of family members. Participants will learn about communication issues, family dynamics and roles that are adopted by family members.
See Details
This course is eligible for U of M ACCP specialization in Addiction Studies and appropriate for post-secondary students and helping professionals
This course will include information on:
- The dynamics of addiction within the family system
- The implications of these dynamics in identification, intervention and recovery processes of the family
Fundamentals of Addictions
Family Violence & Addiction
Family Violence and Addiction provides an overview of addiction problems and family violence, their coexistence and the implications for identification and referral.
See Details
This course is eligible for U of M ACCP specialization in Addiction Studies and appropriate for post-secondary students and helping professionals.
This course will include information on:
- Socio-environmental contexts which may make individuals and families vulnerable to experiencing addiction and family violence
- Interrelationship between addictions and violence
- Cycle of Violence and Stages of Change Model
- How the individual and family are affected by addictions and violence
- Issues in identification, referral and treatment
Fundamentals of Addictions
Fundamentals of Addictions
Fundamentals of Addiction provides participants with foundational knowledge necessary for understanding the field of addictions, specifically relating to alcohol, other drugs and gambling.
See Details
This virtual course provides fundamental knowledge common to specific focus areas within the addictions field, such as an Addictions Framework, Determinants of Health, Process Addictions, appropriate Interventions and Recovery Management for Specific Populations. The course provides an introduction and a base on which to build further knowledge and skills.
This course is eligible for U of M ACCP specialization in Addiction Studies and appropriate for post-secondary students and helping professionals Fundamentals of Addiction is the prerequisite for all ACCP students in the Addictions Specialty at the University of Manitoba.
This course will include foundational information in the following areas:
- Overview of Addictions, alcohol, drug use, and gambling activities in Canadian society.
- Theories of causation and current models for treatment and prevention.
- Prevalence of alcohol and other drug use and misuse, gambling and problem gambling activity in Canada.
- Overview of the formal addiction treatment system in Canada.
- Components for successful treatment planning and continuum of treatment services available in Canada.
- Ongoing processes for making and maintaining behaviour change.
June 27,28,29 2023 1 p.m.- 4 p.m.
Indigenous Peoples: Substance Use and Gambling
This course provides participants with an opportunity to enhance competencies when working with Indigenous populations in the area of prevention and treatment of substance use and gambling behaviors.
See Details
This course is eligible for U of M ACCP specialization in Addiction Studies and appropriate for post-secondary students and helping professionals.
This course includes information on:
- The history and relationship among Indigenous and non-Indigenous people
- Definitions of Indigenous people
- Relevance of these issues to working with clients today
Fundamentals of Addictions
Older Adults: Substance Use and Gambling
Older Adults: Substance Use and Gambling provides an opportunity to increase participants’ knowledge and understanding of the issues related to older adults and their experiences of alcohol, drugs and gambling.
See Details
This course is eligible for U of M ACCP specialization in Addiction Studies and appropriate for post-secondary students and helping professionals
This course will include information on:
- The complex context of aging and addiction
- Personal, societal and progressional attitudes towards aging
- Issues related to identification, intervention and treatment
Fundamentals of Addictions
Pause and Plan: After Your Voluntary Self-Exclusion Ends
This course provides gambling awareness information to people who have participated in the Voluntary Self-Exclusion (VSE) program at casinos in Manitoba,, or at the Cityplace Gaming Centre.
See Details
Individuals who have participated in the VSE program at casinos in Manitoba,, or at the Cityplace Gaming Centre and wish to re-enter.
This course will assist participants to:
- Understand how gambling works (i.e. basic principles of legalized gambling)
- Identify myths and erroneous beliefs that can foster high risk gambling.
- Appreciate the difference between low risk and high risk gambling practices.
- Review the past and present motivations, as well as entering the VSE program
- Review intentions and decisions about wanting to return to gambling
- Develop a personal plan of action that could include one of the following options:
- Continue to abstain from gambling
- Maintain the current self-exclusion agreement
- Re-enter the casino/gaming centre or online gambling
- Re-enter the casino/gaming centre for entertainment/dinning only
- Be aware of the information and help resources available in Manitoba for people experiencing problems with their gambling
Other Information:
- Date: September 1, 2022
- Time: 12 p.m. – 4 p.m.
- AFM main office, 1031 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB – 2nd floor, Training Room#1
- Please bring ID (and reading glasses if needed)
- Parking on streets only, participants advised to arrive early to find suitable parking
- Late comers will be rescheduled
- Please email [email protected] to register for the course. Further information will be provided upon registration.
- If you have any questions about the course call 204-944-6260.
- Please note that language support will be provided upon request.
- Space is limited, register as soon as possible if interested.
- This course is also available on-line. Participants need to go to the Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries website under the tab Playing Responsibility, then Voluntary Self-Exclusion (
Pharmacology of Mood – Altering Drugs
Pharmacology of Mood Altering Drugs is designed to assist participants in furthering their knowledge of the effects of psychoactive substances.
See Details
This course is eligible for U of M ACCP specialization in Addiction Studies and appropriate for post-secondary students and helping professionals
The course will explore how a person’s biology intersects with the pharmacology of drugs of abuse to produce the behavioral effects associated with various drugs and drug classes. Drug abuse and addiction will be viewed through a lens of altered brain functioning as the basis for the pharmacological, physiological and psychological aspects of psychoactive substance use. Discussions will focus on the pharmacology, withdrawal symptoms and treatment options of specific drugs of abuse and drug classes.
Fundamentals of Addictions
Recovery Oriented Practice
This course provides participants with an overview of the concepts and principles of the Recovery-Oriented System of Care (ROSC).
See Details
Participants will gain knowledge and learn skills to assist individuals in planning, implementing and monitoring their recovery plans.
This course is eligible for U of M ACCP specialization in Addiction Studies and is appropriate for post-secondary students and helping professionals.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Identify the principles of a recovery-oriented system of care.
- Describe the concept of recovery capital.
- List the components and describe the benefits of a person-centered approach.
- Discuss the supports and barriers an individual may encounter.
- Learn about the various paths of recovery an individual might take.
- Describe how to assist individuals in planning for long-term recovery.
Fundamentals of Addictions
Understanding Gambling and Gambling Behavior
This course provides information about gambling behaviour from non-problematic to problematic and how it affects individuals and significant others. It will explore strategies to work with individuals experiencing a problem with gambling.
See Details
Explore various screening and assessment tools and strategies to work with individuals experiencing a problem with gambling.
This course is eligible for U of M ACCP specialization in Addiction Studies and appropriate for post-secondary students and helping professionals.
This course will include information on:
- An introduction to gambling, gambling concepts and behaviour
- How gambling works
- How gambling can develop from non-problematic to problematic and an awareness of the psychology of gambling
- Issues and the impact of problem gambling on significant others
- Various screening and assessment tools
- Gain knowledge of strategies to manage problem gambling
Fundamentals of Addictions
Women, Substance Use and Gambling
Women, Substance Use and Gambling provides an overview of the substance use issues affecting women in our society.
See Details
This course is eligible for U of M ACCP specialization in Addiction Studies and appropriate for post-secondary students and helping professionals.
The course will provide participants with an overview of health determinants and gender differences which may make women vulnerable to developing issues with substance use, as well as the challenges women face when accessing help and participating in a treatment and continuing recovery program. This course also provides participants with the knowledge and skills to enhance their ability to screen long term recovery. This course includes information on:
- The dynamics of women’s issues related to addictions
- Identification and referral processes
- Resources
Fundamentals of Addictions
Youth: Substance Use and Gambling
This course provides participants with an understanding of the issues pertaining to youth substance use, gambling and best practices when working with youth around prevention and early intervention.
See Details
This course is eligible for U of M ACCP specialization in Addiction Studies and appropriate for post-secondary students and helping professionals.
This course will include information on:
- Prevalence and current trends
- Adolescent development
- Risk factors and protective factors
- Prevention and early intervention
- Collaborating with other systems
- Issues, challenges, and special considerations
- Identifying and responding effectively to concerns
Fundamentals of Addictions
Rehabilitation and Recovery Inpatient Treatment Programs – Adult
A short-term (21-28 days) in-house alcohol and/or drugs program is available through the five facilities. Facilities are located in Brandon, Ste. Rose du Lac, Thompson and Winnipeg. The program provides clients with assistance and opportunities to address their alcohol and/or drug problems in a safe, highly structured environment.
Rehabilitation and Recovery Inpatient Treatment Programs – Youth
Are you worried about your use of drugs or alcohol? Have you tried to make a change, but your use is still a problem? There might be other things you’d like to change in your life as well.
Compass is an in-house program for young people who want support to change their use of alcohol or drugs. It’s a place to learn about yourself, develop new skills, and move forward in your life. Other things you should know:
- It’s voluntary.
- It’s for youth 13 – 18 + years old
- The location is near Portage la Prairie, Manitoba.
- It’s a safe, drug-free environment.
- We know change isn’t easy. We will respect you and give you support to be successful in meeting your goals.
- Youth are able to continue smoking cigarettes while in the program.
“The people here really listen, care and understand … they get it.”
“It’s good to have your own bedroom and be able to bring things from home to make it your own space.”
“It can be hard at first, but it gets easier.”
“The food here is amazing!”
“It’s surprising how life can get better by coming here. You can learn about yourself and start to feel happier.”
For more information about our program or application process, contact our intake office at: [email protected]