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Home Care

Home care is a community based service that provides essential in-home support to individuals, regardless of age, who require health services or assistance with activities of daily living.

A photo of a young woman nurse reading off a notebook to an older woman patient.

Home care augments the resources of family and community, using a model that emphasizes promotion of care in the home, facilitation of hospital discharges and provision of alternatives to entry to the long term care system. Manitoba residents registered with Manitoba Health who require services or assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, meal preparation or medication administration are eligible for home care service to allow them to remain safely in their home.

Self referrals are accepted as well as referrals from physicians, hospitals, family/friends or other programs/agencies. Referrals are taken by the area home care case coordinator who does a complete assessment that includes talking to the client, family members or any individual involved in the client’s care. Part of the assessment involves determining family involvement so that a personalized care plan can be developed that provides sufficient support without interfering with family relationships.

In preparing the assessment, the case coordinator communicates with the client’s doctor and may also choose to make a referral to mental health or therapy services. The client’s home is assessed to determine if alterations to the environment are required for safe care provision and what equipment may be needed. A recommendation may be made to other community programs, such as services to seniors, if resources not provided through the home care service are needed.

Services provided are determined by a comprehensive assessment by the Home Care Case Coordinator and an individual care plan is then developed with input from the client. 

Please call Home Care Administration at 204-785-7537 for assistance or see below to connect with a Case Coordinator in your area.


Fax: 204-376-5970
2 Case Coordinators at this location:

  • Phone (CC1): 204-376-5559 ext. 1
    Mary Thorarinson Assisted Living/Supportive Housing, House of Hope Assisted Living/Supportive Housing, Town of Arborg, RM of Bifrost (Okno)
  • Phone (CC2): 204-376-5559 ext. 7
    Icelandic River Lodge Assisted Living/Supportive Housing and town of Riverton, RM of Bifrost (Okno, Ledwyn, east of Hwy 8)


Phone: 204-768-5225

Fax: 204-768-3879


Fax: 204-268-6727

3 Case Coordinators at this location:

  • Phone (CC1): 204-268-6720
    Town of Beausejour, LUD of Garson and Tyndall, RM of Brokenhead (Allegra, Cloverleaf, Cromwell, Dencross, Green Oak, Hazelglen, Lady Wood, Lydiatt, Sand Hill, St. Ouens).
  • Phone (CC2): 204-268-6721
    Stony Plains Terrace Supportive Housing and Town of Beausejour, LUD of Garson and Tyndall, RM of Brokenhead (Allegra, Cloverleaf, Cromwell, Dencross, Green Oak, Hazelglen, Lady Wood, Lydiatt, Sand Hill, St. Ouens).
  • Phone (CC3): 204-268-6747
    Stony Plains Terrace Supportive Housing and town of Beausjeour, RM of Brokenhead (Allegra, Cloverleaf, Cromwell, Dencross, Green Oak, Hazelglen, Lady Wood, Lydiatt, Sand Hill, St. Ouens).

Fisher Branch

Phone: 204-372-7306

Fax: 204-372-8710


Fax: 204-642-4924
2 Case Coordinators at this location:

  • Phone (CC1): 204-642-4596
    Town of Gimli
  • Phone (CC2): 204-642-1607
    Gimli Rural, Matlock, Winnipeg Beach, Arnes, Dunnottar, and surrounding areas

Lac du Bonnet/Pinawa

Fax: 204-345-8609
2 Case Coordinators at this location:

  • Phone (CC1): 204-345-1235
    Ironwood Supportive Housing, town of Pinawa, RM of Lac du Bonnet (Milner Ridge Road to Hwy 44, Brookfield), RM of Whitemouth (Seven Sisters Falls, River Hills), Dorothy Lake, Nutimuk Lake, Otter Falls, Barrier Bay.
  • Phone (CC2): 204-345-1217
    RM of Lac du Bonnet (town of Lac du Bonnet, Riverland, Crescent Bay, Spring Well, Brightstone, Lee River, Wendigo Beach, Hwy 11 to Milner Ridge Road,), RM of Alexander (Sunset Bay, Pinawa Bay, Poplar Bay, Bird River), Pointe du Bois.

Lundar/St. Laurent/Eriksdale

Phone: 204-762-6504

Fax: 204-762-5164


Fax: 204-444-5667
2 Case Coordinators at this location:

Phone (CC1): 204-444-6119
RM of Springfield (excluding Supportive Housing)Anola, Cooks Creek, Deacon, Dugald, Glass, Hazelridge, Meadowvale, Melrose, Millbrook, Monominto, Navin, Nourse, Oakbank, Pine Ridge, Queens Valley, Sapton, Sunnyside, Vivian

Phone (CC2): 204-444-6139
Anola, Cooks Creek, Deacon, Dugald, Glass, Hazelridge, Meadowvale, Melrose, Millbrook, Monominto, Narol, Nourse, Oakbank, Pine Ridge, Queens Valley, Sapton, Sunnyside, Vivian

Pine Falls

Fax: 204-367-2968
Phone: 204-367-5403


Fax: 204-785-7742
Phone: 204-785-7537

Phone (CC1): 204-785-7733
Coverage Area:
Gonor, Narol, West Pine Ridge, St Clements – south side of HWY 44 to East St. Paul, River Creek Estates (6940 Henderson HWY), Tollak Place (40 Eveline A & B)
Phone (CC5): 204-785-7733
Coverage Area:
Selkirk Area 5: Vaughn Ave South up to but not including Strathnaver Ave., 215 Eaton Ave, Parkside Terrace Apartments (380A & B Sophia), Robinson Building (470 Main St.)
Phone (CC2): 204-785-7723
Coverage Area:
St. Andrews – south of Heap Ave and West of the bypass Hwy 9, South of Cloverdale Rd to West St. Paul, Mapleton Lane (1192 River Rd, St. Andrews)
Phone (CC6): 204-785-7722
Coverage Area:
Selkirk Area 6 – Strathnaver Ave south to Heap, Lion’s Manor (316 & 320 Christie Ave)

Phone (CC3): 204-785-7713
Coverage Area:
Selkirk Area 3 – Including McLean Ave and North to Walker Ave, Breezy Point, Woodland Courts (387 Annie St), Selkirk Meadows (1027 A & B Manitoba Ave)
Phone (CC7): 204-785-4889
Coverage Area:
Cloverdale Road North up to Matlock, Woodland Courts (387 Annie St), Cambridge House, 457 Eveline St, Kiwanis on Red -106 Dufferin & 110 Morris Ave
Phone (CC4): 204-785-7724
Coverage Area:
North to Stead Rd., East Selkirk – south to HWY 44, Parkview Manor (445 Eveline St.), Knight’s Centre (312 Sophia St)


Fax: 204-467-4750
3 Case Coordinators at this location:

  • Phone (CC1): 204-467-4413
    Stonewall, Argyle south, Rockwood
  • Phone (CC2): 204-467-4414
    Stonewall, Stony Mountain, Rockwood, Rosser
  • Phone (CC3): 204-467-4769
    Warren, Woodlands, Marquette, Rosser, Grosse Isle, Argyle north


Fax: 204-886-3503
2 Case Coordinators at this location:

  • Phone (CC1): 204-886-4066
    Includes Fraserwood, Inwood, Komarno
  • Phone (CC2): 204-467-4769
    Gunton, Balmoral


Fax: 204-348-7911

Phone: 204-348-4609
Town and RM of Whitemouth (Hwy 11 from Hwy 44 up to Hwy 307), RM Reynolds North of Hwy 1, Whiteshell Provincial Park (excluding Hwy 307 from Hwy 11 up to Betula Lake), RM of East Richer.

Examples of service you may be eligible for are:

  • Direct service workers to assist with personal care, meals, and family relief
  • Nurses may provide nursing care, teaching and counseling
  • Therapy services will teach special exercises or assist with planning your activities of daily living
  • Supplies and equipment required for your care may be available
  • Adult day programs assist in meeting nutritional and socialization/recreational needs

Home Care Services supports and coordinates other program areas:

  • Personal care at home
  • Respite care
  • palliative care
  • Home oxygen
  • Self managed/family managed care
  • Services to seniors
  • Supportive housing
  • Meal programs
  • Adult day programs

Helpful Home Care Information

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