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Access and Privacy

The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA)

As part of providing health care services within Interlake-Eastern RHA, we only collect, use and disclose your personal information and personal health information as permitted by The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) and The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). These Acts require Interlake-Eastern RHA to ensure the privacy of your information. We are committed to the privacy and protection of your personal and personal health information.

This Act provides you with a right to access your personal health information, to request a copy and also request a correction. There are certain limited exceptions that may apply to your request. The Act also requires that we protect the privacy and confidentiality of your personal health information and sets out clear and certain rules for how we can collect, use and disclose your personal health information.

Health Information Services

Health Information Services in Interlake-Eastern RHA includes the collection of personal health information, registration of patients for services, along with the storage and retention of personal health information. Confidentiality is very important to us. Our patients’ personal health information is respected and maintained securely.  Health Information Services is responsible for the release of personal health information, including providing copies of health records to our patients or other authorized persons.

To access your own health information or to request disclosure of personal health information please visit Access & Privacy.

Accessing Your Health Information

To access your own health information or to request disclosure of personal health information please complete the Request to Access Personal Health Information form and return it to the attention of the health information services department at the facility where you received your care.

Privacy officers are responsible for dealing with requests from individuals who want to look at, get a copy of or request a correction to their personal health information. The privacy officer is also responsible for facilitating the Interlake-Eastern RHA’s compliance with PHIA.

Health Information
Mailing Address PhoneConfidential Fax #
Arborg & District Health Centre234 Gislason Drive, Box 10
Arborg MB
R0C 0A0
204-376-5247 204-376-5669
Ashern Lakeshore General Hospital1 Steenson Drive, Box 110
Ashern MB
R0C 0E0
204-768-3436 204-768-2268
Beausejour Health Centre151 First St. S. Box 1178
Beausejour MB
R0E 0C0
204-268-7444 204-268-1207
Eriksdale E.M. Crowe Memorial Hospital40 Railway Ave., Box 130
Eriksdale MB
R0C 0W0
204-739-2611 204-739-2065
Gimli Community Health Centre120-6th Ave., Box 250
Gimli MB
R0C 1B0
204-642-4590 204-642-5860
Pinawa Hospital30 Vanier Drive, Box 220
Pinawa MB
R0E 1L0
Pine Falls Health Complex37 Maple Street, Box 2000
Pine Falls MB
R0E 1M0
204-367-5416 204-367-8981
Selkirk Regional Health Centre120 Easton Dr., Box 5000
Selkirk MB
R1A 2M2
204-482-5800 204-785-8854
Stonewall & District Health Centre589 3rd Avenue
Stonewall MB
R0C 2Z0
204-467-3384 204-467-8443
Teulon Hunter Memorial Hospital162-3rd Ave. SE, Box 89
Teulon MB
R0C 3B0

The Interlake-Eastern RHA has designated a Regional Privacy Advisor who provides direction and support to the privacy officers within the Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority. In addition, this advisor ensures policies are in place regarding compliance with the PHIA and FIPPA Acts. For more information, please click the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act tab at the top of the page.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)

This act provides you with the right to access records we hold and regulates how we manage personal information. FIPPA also provides an independent review process for people who disagree with access and privacy decisions made by public bodies under the Act. You have the right to request your documents in the official language of your choice.

FIPPA application to access form – please complete this form and return to: 

Interlake-Eastern RHA FIPPA Coordinator
Box 5000, 120 Easton Drive
Selkirk, Manitoba R1A 2M2


Protecting Your Personal Health Information

The following information is from the Access and Privacy Division of the Manitoba Ombudsman.

What is the Personal Health Information Act (PHIA)?
The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) provides access to information and protection of privacy rights concerning personal health information. PHIA allows individuals to examine and receive a copy of their own personal health information from a trustee holding this information. PHIA imposes obligations on trustees for the protection of personal health information, specifically its collection, use, disclosure and security. It was proclaimed as law in Manitoba on December 11, 1997.

Who falls under PHIA?
PHIA applies to trustees who maintain (have custody or control of) personal health information. Trustees are:
-all public bodies that fall under FIPPA
-health professionals licensed or registered to provide health care or health professionals (such as doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists, etc.);
-health care facilities (such as hospitals, personal care homes, psychiatric facilities, medical clinics, laboratories, the Manitoba Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation, and community health centres or other health care facilities designated in the regulations)
-health services agencies providing health care under an agreement with another trustee (such as the Victorian Order of Nurses and We Care).

What is a “record”?
PHIA defines a “record” as “a record of information in any form, and includes information that is written, photographed, recorded or stored in any manner, on any storage medium or by any means, including by graphic, electronic or mechanical means, but does not include electronic software or any mechanism that produces records”.

What is “personal health information”?
Personal health information is information about an identifiable individual that relates to an individual’s health and health care history including genetic information, the provision of health care to the individual, or payment for health care provided to the individual. This includes such things as your Personal Health Information Number (PHIN) assigned by Manitoba Health, as well as any identifying information collected in the course of providing health care services.

Who can see my personal health information?
PHIA provides you with a right of access to your own personal health information. An employee of the trustee who needs to know your personal health information to provide you with health care services may see your information. PHIA also allows for the sharing of your personal health information in specific limited circumstances. Division 3 of PHIA sets out the requirements for the protection of the privacy of your personal health information.

The Interlake-Eastern RHA has designated a Regional Privacy Advisor who provides direction and support to the privacy officers within the Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority. In addition, this advisor ensures policies are in place regarding compliance with the PHIA and FIPPA Acts. Interlake-Eastern RHA’s Regional Privacy Advisor can be contacted at:
Interlake-Eastern RHA Regional Privacy Advisor
Box 5000, 120 Easton Drive
Selkirk, Manitoba R1A 2M2

204 785-7240
204 785-8854

Accessing Your Health Information

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Protecting Your Personal Health Information

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