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Surgery & Endoscopy

Exterior of Selkirk Regional Health Centre limestone and blue hospital
Selkirk Regional Health Centre is located at 120 Easton Drive in Selkirk.
Exterior of limestone and blue Beausejour Hospital
Beausejour Health Centre is located at 151 First Street S. in Beausejour.

If you’re scheduled for a procedure at one of our facilities, please choose the appropriate option below for more information.

Please note for Hip & Knee Surgeries

Planning is underway for the expansion of the surgery program in Selkirk to include hip and knee surgeries.

A provincial central intake process is in place for primary care providers to refer patients requiring hip and knee surgeries. Patients are assigned to surgeons through this process and the surgeon, in discussion with the patient, will determine the most suitable location for surgery to occur.

This additional provincial surgical capacity will provide individuals on the wait list who live in Interlake-Eastern with the opportunity to have their surgeries in Selkirk if appropriate when these surgeries start being offered in Selkirk.  

Experiencing cold/flu-like symptoms?

In the days leading up to your surgery, if you are experiencing the cold/flu symptoms please contact your physician or surgeon’s office.

On the day of your surgery, if you are experiencing the cold/flu symptoms please contact the Day Surgery Department in your surgery/procedure letter.

Respectful Workplace

There are times when procedures may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. We appreciate your patience. We will not tolerate shouting, threatening behaviour, demanding behaviour, physical abuse or swearing.

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