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Patient Safety & Self Advocacy

Quality & Patient Safety Coordinators are not involved in the intake of patient and/or family concerns or complaints. If you have a patient and/or family concern or complaint please call our toll free line at 1-855-999-4742 or visit our Compliments and Concerns page.

Quality & Patient Coordinators are involved in the review of potential and confirmed patient safety incidents as needed. Our clinical programs and client concern department link with our Quality & Patient Safety team when these types of incidents have been identified by staff, leadership, and patients/families.

As early as 2003, Manitoba Health developed a provincial policy to encourage the voluntary reporting of critical clinical occurrences (now referred to as “critical incidents”) where learning might occur from seemingly isolated errors.

In 2006, legislation was introduced for mandatory no-blame critical incident reporting across the health system to support a culture of learning and openness. Manitoba was the second province to introduce mandatory reporting and investigation of critical incidents.

There are several initiatives underway in the health care system to improve patient safety, including making changes to deliver safer care, to better enforce infection prevention and control measures, and to improve communication between health care providers and patients and their families.​​​​​​​​​​​

Quality and Patient Safety Coordinators:

  • Heather Campbell
  • Kathy McCulley
  • Rochelle Paradis

If you have a patient and/or family concern or complaint, please call our toll-free line at 1-855-999-4742 or follow the link on our Compliments and Concerns department to report your concern.


It’s Safe to Ask Medical Test Follow-up

Visit Shared Health Manitoba- Patient Safety

Acts governing patient safety in Manitoba

The purpose of the Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act is to ease the disclosure and investigation of significant and serious matters in or relating to the public service, that are potentially unlawful, dangerous to the public or injurious to the public interest. The legislation also  protects people who make those disclosures.

The Protection for Persons In Care Act  is Manitoba legislation that protects adults from abuse while receiving care in personal care homes, hospitals or any other designated health facility. 

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