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In-Patient Guide

While we are prepared to take excellent care of you during your hospital stay, here is some information that you will find valuable before coming for your hospital stay.

During Your Stay

What to Bring
  • your Manitoba Health Insurance card
  • proof of any additional healthcare coverage 
  • your home care record (if you are a homecare client) 
  • all medications you are taking including prescription, over-the-counter medications, vitamins and herbs or provide a listing of all medications and be sure to record the prescribed dosage (i.e. drug name, strength and amount to be taken every day).
  • a list of allergies you know you have and your reactions 
  • personal care products like your toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, Kleenex, shampoo, soap, deodorant, shaving supplies, nail clippers, slippers and housecoat 
  • if you wear dentures, glasses, or hearing aids, please bring a case for them
  • label personal items like your wheelchair, cane or walker
Do NOT Bring
  • valuables
  • perfumes/scented toiletries

Any electrical equipment brought to the hospital is subject to inspection by our maintenance personnel prior to use. This facility assumes no responsibility for the loss or damage of patient’s personal items.

What to Expect During Your Stay

Upon admittance to the hospital, you will be provided with a hospital identification bracelet. This bracelet reflects your name, address, Manitoba Health number and other important information. Our staff will check this bracelet frequently. It’s important that you wear it for the duration of your hospital stay.


Telephone services are available for your use. Please check with nursing staff for arrangements.


Television service is available in patient lounges. Patients may also rent a TV for use at their bedside. To arrange for TV rental, speak to your nurse. For safety reasons, the hospital does not permit the use of television sets brought from home.


Our dietary department provides well balanced meals. Special diets are prepared upon doctor’s orders to meet your needs. Patients on special diets may be served snacks between meals as well. Check with nursing staff regarding personal food. A dietitian is available for nutritional counseling on a referral basis.

Ambulance Transport

Ambulance transportation will be arranged for you if required. If you will be expected to pay fees for ambulance services, they will be identified to you in advance of travel.

Smoke Free Facility

Please restrict smoking to our designated smoking areas only. Manitoba law requires smokers to be 25 feet away from a building entrance. Speak to your doctor or care provider for help if you are considering quitting smoking.

Fire Alarms

In the event that you hear a fire alarm during your stay in the hospital, remain in your room. Staff will close doors to patient rooms and doors within hallways will also be closed. If you are out of your room when you hear an alarm, listen to staff directions. Do not use elevators during a fire alarm.


Public parking at this facility is limited. We request that you leave your vehicle at home during your hospital stay.

Gift Shop

A gift shop may operate on site. Speak with your nursing staff for more information.

After Your Stay

Going Home

Your physician will identify to you when you are able to leave the hospital. In most instances, you will make arrangements with a family member or friend to help with your return home.

Care at Home

Prior to your departure, your doctor or nurse will talk with you about your care required at home. At this time, ask any questions or express your concerns about medications and what you need to eat or do. You can ask for a referral to home care services or your doctor, nurse or a family member can identify if you will require assistance once you are discharged. The home care nurse will assess your eligibility for appropriate services.

How Was Your Stay?

Within our facilities are feedback forms you can fill in and mail to us. We also survey past patients to ask about their hospital stay. If you are randomly selected, we’ll send a letter to you after your stay.

Your Privacy

This facility enforces the protection of personal health information as required by The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA). This provincial legislation incorporates the right of an individual to examine and receive a copy of his or her personal health information. It also limits and controls the manner in which personal health information is collected, used, disclosed, stored and destroyed. As a result, the Interlake-Eastern RHA will not disclose personal health information except as may be allowed and required by the PHIA.

Your health care team requires access to your personal health information to provide your necessary health care services. Members of your health care team are only allowed access to the information they need to give you the care you need. Under the PHIA, you have the right to access your information not later than 24 hours after requesting it if you are a hospital inpatient. If you are a hospital out-patient or a day surgery patient, you have the right to access your information not later than 72 hours after requesting it. Record duplication fees may apply.

Upon request, we can share your name, general health status and location in our facility with representatives of religious organizations or any member of the public inquiring about you.

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