First Baby of the Year Celebrated at Selkirk Regional Health Centre
The first baby of 2024 has arrived in Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority.
Safia Sharif and her husband Talal Tasse of East St. Paul welcomed their daughter, Reham, at 11:14 p.m. New Year’s day at Selkirk Regional Health Centre.
Weighing seven pounds and 15 ounces, she is the Tasse family’s third child. Excited to meet their baby sister were brother Zyad, 10, and sister Reem, 9.
The Tasses said their experience in the obstetric unit was unsurpassed.
“The staff were very helpful. It was quiet and this has been the most comfortable room for us,” Sharif said.
Tasse noted the attentiveness of staff.
“Whenever she was uncomfortable, there was always someone there to take care of her,” Tasse said.
Chair of the Selkirk Hospital Gift Shop volunteers, Betty Milkowski, maintained a tradition by gifting Reham’s family with a hand knit outfit and blanket, diapers, a hamper, playpen and other items to celebrate the arrival the first baby to arrive at the health centre. She said the volunteers make the New Year’s baby gift tradition possible.
“The most important thing is all the work that the volunteers do to help us. They make it possible for us to donate and help. This has been going on since the first hospital was built in Selkirk and the original ladies auxiliary was founded. We extend our best wishes to the family,” Milkowski said.
Dr. Jennifer Preun attended the delivery. In 2023, 444 babies were born at Selkirk Regional Health Centre. That’s an increase over the 397 babies born in 2022. Anyone interested in delivering with Selkirk’s obstetrics unit is invited to call 204.482.5800 for more information and to arrange a tour of the facility.