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Healthy Together Now (HTN) is a community-led grassroots program that helps prevent chronic diseases in Manitoba.  Starting now, community organizations can apply for funding for prevention activities in the areas of physical activity, healthy eating, tobacco prevention and reduction, and mental well-being.

Interlake-Eastern RHA provides funds through Healthy Together Now for community organizations interested in decreasing chronic disease in their communities.  

“The Interlake-Eastern RHA is awarding funding to community groups addressing health and wellness issues in their communities. Applications are currently being accepted and grants will be awarded in late Spring. All programs are encouraged to apply,” says Shannon Montgomery, director health services; public health & wellness.

Applicants must complete an online application outlining the proposed project, the budget, partners involved, and target population. The fund covers activities directly related to the programming offered. Applications will be reviewed by the Interlake-Eastern Healthy Together Now Steering Committee to ensure grant criteria is met.  

Community meetings are being held across Interlake-Eastern region for any groups interested in applying for funds. The meetings are held to review potential projects and for community to review and recommend projects for funding.  Participation in a community meeting is required in order to access funding. Community meeting dates are scheduled from March 13-22nd.

All applicants should discuss projects with their Interlake-Eastern RHA contact.

For more information please visit:

Questions? Call 1-877-979-WELL(9355) or email [email protected]

Healthy Together Now is coordinated by Interlake-Eastern RHA and supported by Manitoba Health, Seniors, and Long-Term Care.

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