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An early morning drive from Arborg area to Selkirk through thick ice fog has ended with the first birth of the year at Selkirk Regional Health Centre in Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority.

Wanda and Samuel Wipf welcomed their fifth child, Zachary Don, at 9:05 a.m. on Wednesday, January 4.

He weighed 6 lbs,, 11 oz and is 21.5” long.

“He’s the smallest one yet,” said Wanda, comparing him to his siblings Noah, 9; Logan, 7; Lindsay, 6; and Jackson, 3.

Zachary will be welcomed with open arms by his brothers and sister who are at home with their grandma at Broad Valley Colony.

“We sent them a picture this morning and apparently they are hitting the ceiling,” said Samuel.

The birth was attended by Dr. Margaret Speer. This was Wanda’s fourth birth at Selkirk Regional Health Centre where she says she has always been treated very good. The couple said everyone is very helpful and they have always been  welcomed at the health centre.

During their stay in the obstetrics unit, Betty Milkowski, president of the Selkirk Regional Health Centre’s Ladies Auxiliary, visited the Wipf family to celebrate Zachary’s arrival. She presented them with a new play pen, diapers, sleepers and toys on behalf of the auxiliary.

“This is such a wonderful way for us to start the year,” said Milkowski.

Clinical team manager for the obstetrics unit, Jamie Brown, said they are pleased that the Wipf family has made Selkirk Regional Health Centre their preferred location for their deliveries.

“We are very proud of our obstetrics unit and the team that works to provide care. It is our pleasure to help families get off to a great start! For those who are interested, we do offer epidurals. We encourage anyone interested in delivering with us to call the health centre at 204-482-5800 to learn more and arrange a tour of the unit,” said Brown.

In 2022, there were 397 births at Selkirk Regional Health Centre which is Interlake-Eastern RHA’s birthing centre.

Parents Wanda and Samuel Wipf of the Arborg area hold their newborn baby boy, Zachary.
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