Check-in with vulnerable or isolated community members recommended in hot temperatures
Hot weather has arrived in Manitoba. Individuals who are elderly, living alone or with compromised health will benefit from a regular check-in during times of high heat.
All Manitobans can take care to prevent heat illness by:
- drinking plenty of liquids, especially water, before feeling thirsty;
- avoiding prolonged sun exposure;
- cancelling outdoor activities or rescheduling them to cooler times of the day;
- taking more breaks and staying well hydrated if working outdoors;
- wearing loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing and a wide-brimmed hat;
- limiting alcohol consumption;
- blocking sun out at home during the day by closing awnings, curtains or blinds;
- taking a cool shower or bath; or
- going to a cool place such as a mall, community centre, public library or place of worship.