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Interview Tips

Plan Ahead

Be prepared. Do your homework prior to the interview. Browse through the employer’s website and learn something about this organization before you attend your interview. Research the company and the position if possible. Review your work experiences. Be ready to support past career accomplishments with specific information targeted towards the company’s needs. Prepare your facts and get them right.

Be prepared for questions that are frequently asked by employers such as “Tell me about yourself” or “Why should we hire you?” Write down answers if it helps to make your presentation more concise.

First Impression Counts

You never get a second chance to make a first impression! Dress professionally and appropriately (according to the job you are applying for). Flip-flop sandals and casual attire are definitely out.

If possible, try getting to the venue before the actual interview day to see how long it will take. Transportation may be unreliable or you may have been stuck in heavy traffic, but however reasonable your excuses are, they won’t change the fact that your chances are reduced if you are late. Remember that first impression counts.

Be Positive

Focus on positive achievements and views. In particular, avoid negative comments about past employers. And don’t talk too much.

Encourage the interviewer to share information about the RHA. Demonstrate your interest. Maintain eye contact with your interviewer. Show that you want the job with interest. Listen and adapt. Be sensitive to the style of the interviewer. Try to relate your answers to the interviewer and his or her company. Focus on achievements relevant to the position. Talk about specific achievements.

Interviewers like to know how you felt about a particular success. Some will ask for specific examples of things you’ve done that you’re particularly proud of; how you solved problems; how you learned – and improved – from difficult situations.

And finally, don’t give up.

The fact is that you will not be offered every job you applied for, however perfect you think you may be for it. Feedback from interviews where you have been turned down can be invaluable for improving future results. Ask politely if they can give you any feedback. Always remember that there is a job out there for you.

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