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Workers are onsite now preparing the land for construction of the new addition.

During the project, delivery of health services will not be impacted. We are now starting the phase of construction that affects parking.

The west parking lot will be unavailable for the duration of the project.

A limited number of priority parking spots will be available at the southern part of the clinic, accessible off of Steenson Ave. We will be constructing a new parking lot to the south of the facility. Clearing on this site for the new parking lot will begin next week. This will require removal of trees from the vacant lot. Our landscape plans will see us planting more trees on hospital grounds.

Over the next few weeks we anticipate increased street parking. Once complete, the additional parking lot will accommodate more parking on hospital grounds.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding during the construction period while we work to expand the hospital’s services. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected].

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