Strategic Plan 2021-2028

We are pleased to present you with our Strategic Plan 2021-2028!
On May 4 and 7, 2021, Interlake-Eastern RHA’s board of directors were joined by over 90 stakeholders for strategic planning days. Among those present to guide development of our five-year-strategic plan were elected municipal officials, members of our local health involvement groups, First Nation health directors, educators, affiliated health organization representatives, staff and physicians. All participants heard from health system leaders through presentations that helped set the stage for the development of our regional plan within the context of provincial health system transformation, and clinical and preventive services planning with the development of Manitoba’s first plan for the delivery of these services.
Work on this Strategic Plan continues as we regularly review and monitor our progress towards achieving our vision – collectively.
We will be recognized as a trusted health-care partner, providing sustainable, accessible, integrated, evidence-based care to improve health status and outcomes in all of our communities and achieve health equity across the region.
Our vision defines health-care service delivery that people in Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority can expect to experience by 2028. Our planning partners identified the elements that were critical for inclusion in our vision. From 100 identified elements, 13 general themes evolved that were then prioritized by stakeholders for inclusion in our vision.
We work in partnership with all stakeholders, contributing to the health and well-being of our communities, by providing timely access to reliable care in a culturally safe manner that respects diversity.
Our mission defines why we exist and what we do every day to achieve our vision. Our planning partners identified 83 elements critical for inclusion in our mission. We identified 17 general themes that were then prioritized by stakeholders for inclusion.
Always with compassion
We are approachable and treat everyone with dignity and kindness.
Success in collaboration
We believe in the power of teamwork and working together.
Accountability in everything we do.
We are transparent and responsible.
Acting with integrity
We act honestly and in the interests of our clients, patients, staff and volunteers.
Respectful of each other
We listen to one another and together we care for people without judgement.
Our values reflect the approach to care delivery that we want our patients, clients, residents, family members and community members to experience when interacting with our staff. They are foundational to an organizational culture that will support us in achieving our mission and vision.
These goals will help propel us towards our vision. Within five years, Interlake-Eastern RHA residents can expect a stronger, more integrated health system. By putting these goals into action, Interlake-Eastern RHA will emerge better positioned to meet the health needs of our residents for today and in the future.
- Integrated and coordinated health care
We will ensure our health system is integrated and coordinated between providers and patients. - Primary and community care transformation
We will provide a solid foundation of primary and community services and strive to make it easier for patients to move across the continuum of patient care. - Indigenous and aging populations
We will work to improve access, health outcomes and reduce health disparities. - Mental health and addictions
We will work to improve access to community mental health and addictions services for adults, children and families. - Health human resources
We will have a skilled and dedicated workforce of health professionals, support staff, volunteers and physicians. - Innovation and technology
We will endeavour to improve access, care quality and health outcomes through clinical best practices with a focus on innovation and technology.
Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation Opportunities
Stay engaged with our strategic planning process