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Board of Directors

Board of Directors Nominations

Board of Directors Nominations

In accordance with provisions of The Regional Health Authority Act, the Minister of Health, Seniors and Active Living appoints directors to each Regional Health Authority (RHA) Board. The appointments represent a broad-cross section of skills, interests, experience and expertise. Nominees should all share a strong sense of commitment to achieving the provincial vision of healthy Manitobans through an appropriate balance of prevention and care.

General Responsibilities of Board Members

Health authority boards are accountable to the Minister of Health, Seniors and Active Living and are responsible for the mandate, resources and performance of the health authority. As such, members must represent the region as a whole, not any particular community or interests. A board must ensure that the organization complies with applicable legislation, regulations, provincial policies and Ministerial directives. Board have a strategic role in setting direction for the health authority and a fiduciary role in policy formulation, decision-making, and oversight.


Nominees must:

  • be eighteen (18) years of age as of the date of the appointment;
  • have a strong commitment to improving the health system, to supporting the RHA and to improving the health of Manitobans;
  • have strong communication skills;
  • have the time to prepare for and be able to attend board meetings on a regular basis; 
  • be able to comply with regional conflict of interest guidelines.

 The following are NOT eligible to be directors:

  • the CEO of the RHA,
  • any person who provides professional advice to the RHA for remuneration;
  • any member of a Local Health Involvement Group (LHIG);
  • any individual who is a current employee or member of a medical staff of the regional health authority or a health corporation located within the health region of the regional health authority or a health care organization substantially funded by the regional health authority.

Selection of board members will also be based on competencies from a range of knowledge, skills, and experience in such areas as:

  • leadership and interpersonal skills;
  • governance of public sector, private sector or not-for-profit boards;
  • government structures and processes;
  • law;
  • business, finance, & accounting;
  • policy development;
  • public affairs, communications & community engagement;
  • quality, patient safety and health care services;
  • education & training;
  • organizational development;
  • critical thinking & analysis;
  • information technology.

Health authority boards govern complex public sector organizations with budgets ranging from 200 million to over two billion dollars.  Directors need to be able to understand the continuum of the health system from prevention to palliative care and recognize the fiscal, human resource, and quality challenges inherent in such an organization.

Term of Appointment

No director shall be appointed for a term exceeding three years. If reappointed, a director may serve for a maximum of six consecutive years.

Nomination Forms

Any resident of Manitoba may, for the board of a regional health authority, nominate a person or persons, including himself or herself. Nomination forms are available at your RHA Office, community health offices or health facilities within the region. Nomination forms may be submitted directly to your RHA Office or to the Minister of Health, Seniors and Active Living.

Director Profiles

Director Profiles

A photo of Board Chair Michele Polinuk.

Michele Polinuk, Board Chair

As a lifelong resident of Selkirk, Michele is honoured to serve the community through work and volunteer positions. After 32 years as a teacher, administrator, and most recently as superintendent/CEO of the Lord Selkirk School Division, Michele retired at the end of the 2020 school year. A large part of her role included working with a nine-member Board of Trustees and school leaders to ensure that vision, mission and goals were met through strategies and measurable outcomes. Along with a professional career, Michele continues a strong commitment to community service through many volunteer experiences including the Rotary Club of Selkirk, Selkirk & District Community Foundation, Endow Manitoba and the Selkirk Curling Club. Her impact and contributions were recognized with being awarded the Selkirk and District’s Citizen of the Year.

Michele leads an active lifestyle and promotes health to all people in her life. Investment into the health and well-being of our community is critical to help our region and Manitoba flourish. Michele is looking forward to the opportunity to learn, contribute and positively impact health in the region.

A photo of Vice Chair Cyndi Typliski.

Cyndi Typliski, Vice Chair

Cyndi is a familiar face to her community in Selkirk and area. She is easily recognized through her business engagement and her personal involvement.

She has spent the last 10 years of her career leading the Sunova Credit Union team at the Selkirk branch. With a background in communications and technology, she dedicated more than 15 years to Bell MTS in a variety of management roles.

Her education is ongoing, based on leadership and business administration. She was a student of Red River Community College, holds a Certificate in Management through the University of Manitoba and has recently completed the MBA Essentials certificate program with the University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management.

Cyndi’s commitment to her community extends well beyond the credit union. She is an active volunteer, providing countless hours of service to numerous organizations and boards. She served in an executive role for 10 years with her local chamber of commerce organization. The leadership and direction she provided helped establish new initiatives designed to bring greater value to membership, along with the community. She loves working with people, has a passion for financial literacy and total wellness. Cyndi is a resident of the RM of St. Clements and a citizen of the Manitoba Métis Federation. She has been married for 22 years and has a teenage daughter. When you don’t see her in the community, she’ll be in her garden, at the curling rink or on the golf course.

A photo of Board Member Susan Bater.

Susan Bater

Susan has lived in the Interlake region for over 40 years. She is currently the manager of the Community Futures Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program in rural Manitoba and Saskatchewan. She assists 29 Community Futures offices support the success of rural entrepreneurs with health conditions or disabilities.

Susan values rural living and feels fortunate to work, live and raise her family in rural Manitoba. Susan has 30 years’ experience working with adults, youth, and children with disabilities. She is an active collaborator with stakeholder groups including nonprofit organizations, business, government, and people with disabilities.

Susan is honoured to be part of the Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority board.

A photo of Board Member Steven Brennan.

Steven Brennan

Steven has been practicing law in the Province of Manitoba for more than 3 decades.  He is currently the senior partner of the Winnipeg based law firm, Brennan Partners LLP.  In addition to extensive experience in both trial and appellate litigation, he has served as an instructor at the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law, and frequently lectures on a variety of legal topics in both professional and education settings.

Steven has been a resident of the Rural Municipality of East St. Paul for the past 35 years where he lives with his wife and two sons.  He has been actively involved in the community having served on the Executive Committee of the River East Minor Hockey Association Board of Directors for several years. Steven is honored to be joining the Interlake-Eastern Reginal Health Authority Board of Directors and looks forward to this opportunity to be of service to the community at large.

A photo of Audit Chair Debbie Fiebelkorn.

Debbie Fiebelkorn, Audit Chair

Debbie was raised in East Selkirk and continues to reside there with her husband Randy. They have raised their two children in the community and both children continue to reside in the area. As parents, Debbie and Randy were involved with volunteering in many of the activities their children participated in. Debbie is a past member of the East Selkirk Recreation Association and board member of the Selkirk & District Ukrainian School of Dance.

Debbie spent her work career in municipal administration with the R.M. of St. Clements in various positions including Acting Chief Administrative Officer, retiring as Assistant CAO. During her career in administration she was a member of the Manitoba Municipal Administrator’s Association and has her CMMA certification.

After enjoying four years of retirement, Debbie decided to run for municipal council in 2010 and won a council seat, in 2014 she ran for the Mayors Chair and was successful in becoming the Mayor and has continued in this position for the last two terms.

Since being elected to council, Debbie has served on various community committees within the municipality and also on a number of outside boards, the Gaynor Regional Family Library, North Red Water Maintenance, Partnership of the Manitoba Capital Region (now the Winnipeg metro Region). She is vice chair of the South Basin Mayors & Reeves, Manitoba Good Roads Association and presently serves as Chair of the Red River Planning District Board. She has also completed numerous workshops related to municipal administration, elections, emergency measures and codes of conduct and through the Association of Manitoba Municipalities has become a Certified Municipal Official.

In her spare time, she enjoys gardening, walking and cooking.

A photo of Board Member Arnthor Jonasson.

Arnthor Jonasson, Secretary

Arnthor  was raised in the Ashern area and still resides in the community and is currently the Reeve of RM of West Interlake.

Arnthor is a full time rancher for the last 25 years.  Prior to that he was a high school math and science teacher. He has a wife, have 4 children and 3 grandchildren.

Arnthor has been involved with numerous boards over the years including Manitoba Beef Producers, Canadian Cattle Market Development Corporation, Ashern Arena, Ashern Minor Hockey and Siglunes Community Club.

Arnthor has always been actively involved in his children’s sporting activities serving as coach for hockey for 18 years. He enjoys boating, sports and spending time with family and friends. 

Arnthor looks forward to serving the health care community. 

A photo of Board Member Penny-Anne Wainwright.

Penny-Anne Wainwright 

Penny-Anne is currently a Senior Claims Adjustor for Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation and Co-Chair of the health and Safety Committee for M.A.S.C. Penny-Anne also is also a Councillor for the R.M. of West Interlake and proudly served as Vice-Chair of the Manitoba Farm Industry Board, which administers four acts revolving around agricultural issues and whose responsibility includes adjudicating application from non Canadian residents/corporations taking an interest in farmland in excess of forty acres. 

Penny-Anne also serves as municipal emergency coordinator for both the R.M. of Eriksdale and the North East Interlake emergency measures Board for a number of year and during the devastating floods. 

She has a keen interest in building health policies, supportive working environments, fiscal responsibility and being an advocate for voices that cannot speak. 

Penny is honored to serve as a director for the IERHA and looks forward to helping create healthy environments that support all Manitobans thru strategic partnerships with all stakeholders.  

A photo of Treasurer Murray Werbeniuk

Murray Werbeniuk, Treasurer

Murray is retired and resides with his wife Lisa and two daughters in the RM of East St Paul. He formerly served as a director with medical staff administrative services of Winnipeg Regional Health Authority and was involved in the negotiations, preparation and administration of agreements/contracts. Prior to this role, Murray held a number of senior management positions with the Government of Manitoba. Since Murray’s interest was predominantly in the field of health economics and policy, he has worked in this area for over 25 years both in the public and private sector, as well as in academia. He brings extensive experience to Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority in the areas of strategic planning, financial analyses and problem solving.

Murray has a master’s degree in economics and bachelor of science degree from the University of Manitoba.

He looks forward to serving on Interlake-Eastern RHA’s Board of Directors and to providing the necessary support to both the Board and senior management of the RHA in addressing the health care needs of all Manitobans in the region.

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