Strategic Steering Committees

We are also establishing six strategic steering committees, one for every strategic goal identified in the strategic plan, that will collaboratively plan, monitor, evaluate and report on the implementation and achievement of the strategic goal over the lifetime of the Interlake-Eastern RHA strategic plan. These committees will meet nine times a year (or at the call of the co-chairs). These committees will represent strategic partnership among Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority, community leaders and members of the public:
- Steering Committee Strategic Goal: Integrated and coordinated health care
- Steering Committee Strategic Goal: Primary and community care transformation
- Steering Committee Strategic Goal: Indigenous Aging Populations
- Steering Committee Strategic Goal: Mental health and addictions
- Steering Committee Strategic Goal: Health human resources
- Steering Committee Strategic Goal: Innovation and technology
Strategic Steering Committees will be composed of:
- IERHA Senior Leadership Team (Co-chair and deputy co-chair)
- A community member
- IERHA Board Liaison
- IERHA Executive/Operational Leaders
- IERHA CPSP Implementation Team member
- IERHA Physicians
- IERHA Staff
- Community Leaders (at least one Indigenous leader)
- Members of the Public
The Strategic Steering Committees have responsibilities of:
- Strategic goal visioning
- Leadership
- High level planning
- Monitoring
- Evaluating
- Reporting
- Communication
IERHA operations will take the guidance from the steering committees and integrate this into operations, as necessary. These committees will identify visions, specific to each goal.
They’ll develop charters, that outline the scope of work and key workstreams.
For each workstream, they’ll develop roadmaps and milestones, from which we can monitor and evaluate progress, and they will report to the IERHA Board, Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Regional Health Advisory Council.