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Hearing / Audiology

Audiology is the study of hearing and hearing-related disorders. Our aim is to improve the quality of life for each person and family by enhancing the ability to hear, understand, and communicate. Our audiologists hold master’s degrees and are registered members of the Manitoba Speech and Hearing Association. The audiology department provides state-of-the-art hearing testing procedures for all ages. We also provide specialized assessments such as:

OtoAcoustic Emissions (OAEs) Testing

OAE testing is simple and non-invasive for newborn babies and children who are too young to cooperate in conventional hearing tests. It measures  sounds generated from within the inner ear. 

Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Testing

Evaluates how well sounds travel along the hearing nerve pathways from the ear to the brainstem. The test is performed with the infant or child asleep and shows the softest sounds the infant/child can detect at various pitches. Hearing aid evaluations are available for all children up to 18 years old. 

Contact us 

Selkirk Public Health Office

203- 237 Manitoba Ave, Selkirk, MB

R1A 0Y4


Beausejour Primary Health Care Centre 

Box 550 151 1st Street South
Beausejour, MB
R0E 0C0 


How to make a referral 
Referrals are accepted from all sources, including health professionals, school and individuals.

Fill out the Audiology referral form below and fax it back to: 204-482-2003

Once the referral is received, the department will contact the patient or family either by phone or in writing to set up an appointment.

Days of Service 
Both sites are open five days a week, except public holidays.

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