Respectful Workplace Complaint
Interlake-Eastern RHA is an active participant in provincial initiatives to improve equity for Indigenous, Black and Racialized individuals and communities by improving access and experience across our health system while making steps toward better health outcomes.
Interlake-Eastern RHA is an active participant in provincial initiatives to improve equity for Indigenous, Black and Racialized individuals and communities by improving access and experience across our health system while making steps toward better health outcomes.
Interlake-Eastern RHA is an active participant in provincial initiatives to improve equity for Indigenous, Black and Racialized individuals and communities by improving access and experience across our health system while making steps toward better health outcomes.
- The filing of this complaint does not guarantee that an investigation will occur. The complaint will be reviewed and an assessment made by the employer as to whether an investigation is warranted and/or whether an informal resolution process should be pursued.
- This document and any attachments that you provide in the course of filing a complaint will be held in confidence. The complaint form and its attachments may be disclosed to the respondent named in the complaint and to the investigator appointed to assist with the resolution of this complaint, as outlined in the policy procedures.
- Filing this complaint in no way limits your ability to consider other options such as a complaint under the Human Rights Code of the filing of a grievance under a collective agreement.